Today started out as any other good day. But by the end of the day it turned into the worst days I've had here. It started with me going to bed at like 1:30 2:00 this morning. And I got up at 7:30. SO yah know I was very tired. But that wasn't bad at all compared to what happened after words. It was nice cause I got to go to Mt. Vernon and that was pretty cool. But then my sister and dad got all mad at me for making a little joke about nothing that was only a one liner so it wasn't even like I took it too far. But yeah so anyway we were supposed to go to like at least four museums today cause this will be the last all day cause my dad doesn't want to do anything tomorrow and he has to work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. But anyway so after we got back my sister was all pouty because all she has wanted to do is go swimming and has been a few times. But yeah so instead of doing more stuff that my dad had me plan last night for appartently no reason. So they went swimming and did a bunch of other stuff. But I don't know cause I was soo tired that I just layed down for about five hours while they did whatever. I just really didn't care.
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